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The majority of infantilists are heterosexual males. Some of these men just enjoy the peace and relaxation that comes from behaving as adult babies (AB's). It makes perfect sense. There is no more peaceful time in a person's existence than when they were a baby, taken care of in every conceivable way. In this way it is similar to a lot of other fetishes, an escape from the stresses and pressures of life in modern society. Many who engage in infantilism are not escaping stresses and pressures though. Some just enjoy the feel of a diaper around their crotch. One in three adult babies is also a (DL), a diaper lover.
Infantilists and diaper fetishists differ in self-image and the focus of attention. However, they can coexist in individuals and have some similarities in practice. AB/DL fetishes have nothing to do with liking or being attracted to children. That should be made real clear. Some AB/DL's act indistinguishably from a baby at times, while others practice in a way that would be unnoticed by people passing by on the street.
A central practice to AB/DL is wearing a diaper. When wearing diapers, many AB/DLs like to urinate in them, and a smaller number defecate in them. Some AB/DLs have difficulty wetting their diapers when they want to, as the result of overtrained bladders or paruresis.
Many AB/DL's enjoy wearing diapers under their everyday clothing. Some adult babies may even wear diapers at all times of their daily life. Some adult baby's seek to develop urinary incontinence. Other AB/DLs enjoy wearing diapers intermittently more than they would enjoy wearing them all the time.
The easiest way to describe the distinction between Adult Babies and Diaper Lovers is through their fantasies. There is no typical AB/DL fantasy, but they often fall one of two ways. Either the fantasy involves the fantasy of being an adorable, sexually innocent, and powerless infant child or the focus is actually on diapers as fetish items, sexually charged objects.
In practice, the distinction between the two is much narrower; both involve diapers and adults. Those who try to act out the infant fantasy or similar ones are called Adult Babies (ABs). This may involve adult sized diapers and baby clothes, etc. Men who have willing partners might even engage in baby/mommy role-play. Often, the adult baby won't even engage in any sexual behavior while they are in their baby role, since it isn't babylike. Diaper fetishes are usually much more practical. Often they will involve diapers into otherwise ordinary sexual activities.
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